I know this time of the year can be so full of activity, stress, the pressure to do, sadness, loneliness, love, and loss.
I can tell you, I have been feeling it ALL.
As I was preparing to teach my workshop last week, I was sweetly reminded of an excerpt from the book Big Panda and Tiny Dragon by James Norbury —
— a snippet of a conversation between two unlikely traveling companions, a big panda and a tiny dragon:
“I’m so tired,” said the the tiny dragon to the big panda.
Panda replied, “Winter is a time when nature withdraws, rests, and gathers its energy for a new beginning. We are allowed to do the same, my tiny friend.”
What a sweet and gentle reminder, to once again turn toward the steadiness of Mother Nature to be our guide.
As we reach the end of 2022 and slide into the season of winter and the element of water, let this be an invitation to explore a fresh relationship with ourselves, others, and the intimacy of our own lives.
In the Five Element Theory of Chinese Medicine, water relates to winter.
One of the qualities of water is ease.
Water finds the easiest way: It flows downstream, seeps through the tiniest cracks, and flows to its lowest resting place.
It follows the path of least resistance.
It moves effortlessly, and can transform from liquid to solid to steam.
This winter, what if we, like water, could embody ease?
What if you began to think, “What if this were easy?”
Even as I am writing this, I am observing my mind and its stories: That easy equates to laziness – “taking the easy way out.”
But here I am, offering the idea to be discerning in your thoughts, and to offer yourself an alternate approach.
What if things were easy?
If this task were easy, could I take it less seriously?
Could I flow through it efficiently, without being attached to the outcome?
If this decision was easy, could I simply listen to the truth of my intuition, instead of laboring over it endlessly in my mind?
If my next transformation was easy, could I just surrender to what the universe has brought to me?
Could I worry less and delight more?
Could I just rest, withdraw, and gather energy for a new beginning, as Big Panda suggested?
What if?
As 2022 comes to a close, my wish for you is to embrace all that slows, to have time to reflect on what nourishes you, and to REST.
With love and gratitude,
Copyright 2025 Michele Sapanaro. All Rights Reserved.
Design & Development by
Ansley Fones • Photography by Andrew Dolgin, Robert Sturman, Susan Supak, and Erica Kao