Hello friend!
Here we are, still in the comfort of our homes, nourished by home cooking, and taking all of our classes online.
We are blessed.
I’m not saying this hasn’t been an incredibly challenging time – it’s been a huge struggle for everyone, in some way or another.
There have also been positive effects. So many people are flourishing, perhaps in ways they didn’t expect – including me.
I’ve been hearing from more and more students and friends who have lost weight, gotten healthier, started exercising more, and are eating more nutritious foods.
I’ve also heard from a lot of you that you LOVE taking classes at home, online.
Me too! I love the ability to join a class from anywhere.
Being able to teach at home is such a gift, and I love having you with me. I’m finding the Zoom platform to be a space of heartfelt connection and community.
How crazy is that? OR how desperate have I become? LOL
As we continue to take classes online, a lot of you have been asking me about props, so today I’m sharing some of my favorites.
I’ll cover basic props, along with some nice-to-have options…
1. Foam blocks help with comfort, alignment, and dozens of pose modifications – I recommend getting two.
2. Bolsters are great for many yin and restorative poses, elevating your legs, or for seated meditation.
3. Blankets can be used as a meditation cushion, or to keep you warm during savasana. I’d recommend getting two, or you could skip the bolster and get three blankets instead.
4. Cork blocks are harder than foam blocks, but serve the same general purpose. You only need one of them.
5. Backless yoga chair. You know I love my chair yoga! This specialty prop allows for a wider range of chair postures, and deeper release.
6. Strap. A classic for stretching and stability – you only need one.
While you never NEED to buy props, they can be very supportive – no pun intended. If you’re feeling called to, investing in some props is a great way to invest in yourself and your practice.
I want to take this moment to check in with you, too – how are you feeling today?
Personally, I’ve been finding my mind wanting to replace pandemic with endemic.
We know that a pandemic is a prevalent disease throughout the world, and that this pandemic is the reason we’ve been quarantined.
The reason Lysol wipes, bleach, and hand sanitizer have become so important.
The pandemic is why food delivery services have become vital, mail order companies crucial, and toilet paper a hot commodity.
An endemic, on the other hand, is a disease common in a certain group of people in a certain place. It becomes widely accepted and expected to occur at some point or another.
At this point, COVID is part of the fabric of our culture and society. It hasn’t been a temporary thing – and aspects of it are likely to stay.
I know that’s not what most of us want to hear or believe – that this disease is now a “natural” part of our lives.
Until a vaccine is developed, I believe there’s real truth to this. I think it might be helpful to begin to shift gears and adapt to this new normal.
It may be awhile before we are out and about without masks, strolling the subway platforms freely and attending large events without a sense of uneasiness.
I’m embracing this idea of endemicity, because it seems to help me relax.
I can yield to this new way of life, and make the most of it, rather than waiting or hoping for things to change.
How are you doing? Where are you at with the state of things? Are you enjoying online classes?
Leave a comment below – I would love to connect and hear what’s going on with you.
Much love,
Copyright 2025 Michele Sapanaro. All Rights Reserved.
Design & Development by
Ansley Fones • Photography by Andrew Dolgin, Robert Sturman, Susan Supak, and Erica Kao
I feel like I need to be constantly aware of my mental and emotional balance during this endemic / pandemic (“pendemic”?😉) so I try to think of an upside for every downside, give equal time to meditation after I find myself in rumination, and I remind myself to live in the NOW, no past, no future, just this moment – your online Yin classes give me weekly practice for this essential concept! Thank you so much.