After years of practicing and studying meditation I’ve developed a system for learning the practice based on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. It will help you develop your own routine or deepen your existing practice.
Meditation has countless physical and emotional benefits. We know it reduces stress, anxiety, hypertension, and insomnia. It makes you happier, softens your emotional responses, and makes you feel more connected to the people and things in your life, starting with yourself.
Having a meditation practice allows you to navigate your life in a more mindful, loving way. You get to know yourself on a deeper level by observing the workings of your own mind.
I offer personalized in-person and virtual meditation training to help you develop an at-home practice you love doing, so you actually stick to it.
We’ll begin with the foundational practice of Shamatha Meditation, based on single-pointed concentration. From there we’ll explore different tools and find the ones that resonate with you. You’ll finish the training with a custom routine you can use for life.
Meditation itself is easy, but developing a consistent practice can be difficult. That’s where coaching comes in – it’s the best way to start and stick with a regular meditation practice.
I’ll give you personalized support and guidance on your spiritual path, so that it becomes an integrated part of your life.
You can expect to…
…and more. Everyone has a different experience with meditation.
Ready to get started with your custom program? Get in touch with me today by clicking here.
“In the beginning, yoga for me was all about the asanas. The physical practice. After several years though, as Michele began to open our yoga class with dharma talks and short meditations, I found that it became an integral part of class and was equally satisfying.
Meditation complemented and completed the yogic experience. When Michele began to offer guided meditation sessions independent of yoga class, I was happy to have the opportunity to more fully explore meditation and its benefits.
What’s most enlightening about Michele’s classes is there is no one way to meditate, no singular philosophy or technique. There are many.
We teleconferenced a weekly session, and each time she would guide me through a new set of meditation tools to work with on my own until our next meeting.
There’s no denying that meditation is great preventive medicine. It nourishes my spirit and over a short time I’ve noticed a subtle sense of empowerment over my daily life.” – Lynda Siev Leslie
Copyright 2025 Michele Sapanaro. All Rights Reserved.
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Ansley Fones • Photography by Andrew Dolgin, Robert Sturman, Susan Supak, and Erica Kao